Maui Wildfires

At this time, Kona Community Hospital remains on standby to provide care for patients from the Maui Wildfires, if needed. We sincerely appreciate the outpour of support and concern in the face of the Maui wildfires. As a we continue to monitor the situation closely, we understand and deeply empathize with your heartfelt desire to contribute beyond monetary donations.

However, based on recent communications with relief organizations and government agencies, a clear and pressing need exists for financial contributions. The rapidly evolving situations of the fires demand swift and immediate responses, and the management of physical donations from outer islands can inadvertently strain the already stretched systems in place. Consider donating to the many relief organizations who are on the ground and are already making impact for those survivors of the wildfires.

Maui County has organized a resource hub where you can view the most recent updates as they evolve -including information on where to donate and how to volunteer.


Alternative Ways You Can Help:

  • This robust website aims to streamline aid, information, and resources for those affected. There is a large list of different agencies and their efforts to assist the situation. You are welcome to donate directly to any of the organizations listed online.
  • Maui United Way has established two funds, one that supports nonprofits assisting with relief efforts and another directly aiding individual families. For more details, visit their website or call 211. Rest assured, 100% of your donations go directly to Maui United Way’s on-the-ground efforts.
  • Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement – Kakoo Maui Fundraiser
  • Hawaii Red Cross Donate: Red Cross teams help assess the damage and distribute relief supplies on-site.
  • Volunteer Medical Services:  If you are a healthcare provider (MD, PA, APRN, RN, or Behavioral Health Practitioner), the Department of Health is coordinating volunteer efforts. Go on the DOH website and scroll down to “Volunteer Medical Services” for more information and instructions to sign up.
  • Medical Reserve Corp: This is the recommended platform by the Department of Health for our medical professionals. If you possess medical expertise and wish to assist, please consider registering.